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F.E.A.R - For Everything A Reason

温柔哥  思考  2005-9-27  4679  0评论

生活中总有变化, 而昨天的变化, 就是又老了一岁.
想想走过的路, 不知道人生为何要如此度过.
或者, 人的存在是为了什么?

曾经的小学, 中学, 大学, 已经成为过去.
也许老去的时候, 人才能感受到时间的飞逝.
而在芸芸众生中, 才感觉得到自己没有什么不同, 同时又感觉到自己的特别.

无论在何处, 人都是有自我的.
有自我的人很容易开始怀疑一切, 产生疑问.
但是信仰可以让你遗忘自我, 则无疑是麻醉自己的好方法.

F.E.A.R - For Everything A Reason - Ian Brown

For each a road
For everyman a religion
Find everybody and rule
For everything and rumble
Forget everything and remember
For everything a reason
Forgive everybody and remember

For each a road
For everyman a religion
Face everybody and rule
For everything and rumble
Forget everything and remember
For everything a reason


Final eternity arouses reactions
Freeing excellence affects reality
Fallen empires are ruling
Find earth and reef

Fantastic expectations
Amazing revelations
Final execution and resurrection
Free expression as revolution
Finding everything and realizing

You got the fear
You got the fear
You got the fear
You got the fear
You got the fear
F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)
F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)
F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)
F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)

(Fantastic expectations
Amazing revelations
Finding everything and realizing
For everything a reason)

F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)
F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)
F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)
F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)
You got the fear
You got the fear
You got the fear

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